According to streckers book it is made from the turkey virus which blocks the chickens from contracting the mareks. The mareks is a vaccine not made from the actual same virus that causes mareks in chickens. While the ones not vaccinated will be suceptible to contracting mareks from other sources, they wont catch it simply from the vaccinated ones. (formerly Pfizer Animal Health Inc.) 15 F The W Fifth Avenue, Fifth Avenue Bonifacio Global City, Zoetis Inc.
Type, Killed Virus nd,se,mass type Zoetis Philippines, Inc. In philippines.if you have imported fowls you are suceptible to marek's desease.the vaccines there are very expensive and once you start vaccinating you have to do it all the my farm i have occasional ocurrence because my fowls are mostly imported.but weighing the pros and cons i decided not to vaccinate yet.In my research I found out that mareks is one that you dont have to worry about spreading from vaccinated to unvaccinated fowls. Newcastle-Bronchitis Vaccine-Salmonella enteritidis Bacterin Mass.
Vaccination Schedule DAYS VACCINES ADMINISTRATION 3 NCD (B1B1) +IB Interocular or Internasal 10 IBD Interocular or Internasal 17 Fowl Pox Wing Web 24 NCD +IB Interocular or Internasal 31 Coryza Intramuscular 38 IBD Interocular or Internasal 45 Fowl Pox Wing Web 52 Micoplasma Gallisepticum Interocular or Internasal 59 Coryza Intramuscular 70 ND, IBD, IB, REO Intramuscular 120 ND, IBD, IB, REO Intramuscular 180 Fowl Pox Wing Web At ACF we often combine our Fowl Pox and NCD + IB vaccinations on the Days 17.